I know, I know - we're human BEings, not DOings......
and I totally agree with the concept. I do.
Still, I happen to be busy - my life is VERY full.
And for that - I am very thankful. I have gainful employment (that I don't HATE!), I have a family, a part time hobby/business, I have friends both online and off, I run a large and successful forum......my hands are full (but you should see my HEART!).
I can't complain. Don't need or want to.
I do have the challenge of eating raw on the go. Not a problem - merely a challenge.
Life is full of them!
I try to rise to the occassion. ;-)
One thing that goes with me every day is my smoothies.
Green smoothies have become a (THE?) staple in my eating. But how do you take them on the road?
Well, first is my nifty spotted tumbler my son gave me a few years back.
WAY before I knew about raw or had the pleasure of sipping smoothies.
At that time I had taken to drinking a peanut butter shake that was a combination of plain yogurt, peanut butter, banana, and something else....maybe some soy milk.
Now it is full of green goodness and I drink this on my way to work each morning.
Then came the challenge of what I would lug the REST of the smoothie to work in each day. I use lots of canning jars at home for things, but I didnt' want to travel with glass. I have gone through several different 'jugs'.
The first were some old containers I had (so old I can't even find a picture!) and while they were great f9or home use, they were prone to leak and don't hold that much.
but somehow it still didn't meet ALL my expectations.
and now there is this:
My new favorite - the CHUG container.
See how it fits in the side pocket of my bag!!??? Perfect to keep it upright. It doesn't leak, my papers stay dry inside the bag...
Life is good.
Its a 32 oz bottle but will hold a bit more if you fill it to the rim.
It doesn't leak and its completely round at the bottom but slightly flat/oval on the sides so it fits nicely in my bag.
I realize this may not be the right choice for you. ITs plastic and I am uncertain as to what type of plastic it is made from, I will be checking into that.
Someone else recommended these:
Stainless Steel bottle
They are very pretty and they come in different colors. This may be a GREAT choice for you.
That is one great thing about life in general - DIVERSITY!
Next up - my *choice* online suppliers.
With so many out there, how does one know where to shop??? It can be mind boggling. I was blessed to run into people who have given me good recommendations.
I will share the ones I've done business with and WHY I like them. :) Hopefully tomorrow.
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